Use This Jedi Mind Hack to Get In Shape

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Shhh....Don't Tell Your Mindset, But You're Going To Get In Shape

   Well here you are, again, reading another how to get in shape article. If you’re looking for some tips on stretching, sets and reps, what are the best shoes and best tasting pre workout drinks, then there are a bazillion articles out there already. I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that’s not what you need. People aren’t out of shape and overweight for lack of knowing the How To. If it were all about information, the whole world would have six pack abs and be driving Lamborghini’s. There might actually be too much of the “how to” out there. If you’ve often found yourself Googling, reading, podcasting, and watching YouTube about something, you’re probably stuck.  in what’s called analysis paralysis.

How Analysis Paralysis Has Taken Hold

   By talking and reading about a new workout routine, you feel like you’re making progress, albeit a small step, but it’s something. Purchasing new workout gear is another small step, yet you’ve yet to burn one calorie other than hitting the mall. Planning a route for a morning jog (someday). Discussing techniques with coworkers. It almost feels like you’re part of the running community. Guess what…you’re paralyzed in the planning part and don’t even know that you’re doing it. The good news is, once you know what’s up it becomes harder for you to continue doing it. Turning on the lights makes the boogeyman disappear. Same thing here. Knowing this, next time you decide to buy new running shoes, you’ll laugh and maybe this time, instead, you’ll get out the door and finally do something about it.

Wanting to Work Out is All In How You Frame It

   Now that we got that part out of the way and you know you don’t need any more planning, time for the hack…the why. Generally, we all have one of a handful of common Why’s: to get in shape, to look better, to feel better, and to get healthier. This is all well and good and are very attainable goals, if you had the right mindset going in. The issue nowadays is that we live in a society of instant gratification and repeated dopamine hits from our mobile devices and social media. With goals that are off in the distant future (lose 25 pounds), the payoff is so far out that in the moment of sweating on the whirling treadmill, it seems like it’s not worth it. “Maybe I’m doing something wrong” you might say, and give up, again.

Insert Get In Shape Hack Here:

     We are going to put out goal of getting fit on the shelf for now. Our new goal won’t focus on getting fit.  Other than sweaty forehead and shaky legs, what else happens at the gym? The physical effects right after a workout are, for the most part, negative to be brutally honest. But have you ever paused to think how good you actually felt inside afterward? Exercise actually releases a pharmacy of endorphins in the brain that both make pain feelings lessen and make good feelings increase in a big way. Known as the brain reward cascade, these endorphins are basically little packets of chemicals that have an effect on the brain. The three major ones related to our workout are serotonin, noradrenaline, and the big one…dopamine. These are what we are after from our workouts now. And you get them each and every time.

The New You !

      This feeling would have carried on through to later in the day, and odds are you had a pretty fantastic day because of your 5 min treadmill investment. You probably crushed it at that morning meeting at work that day. You more than likely chatted to the cashier at the grocery store a little more, maybe complimented them on the great job they’re doing (insert ripple effect here of you influencing others). This is your new goal: that feeling. Boom…instant gratification. And the good part, it happens every time! Get sweating, and the side effect is that your brain gives you this reward.


gears of how to meditate

Get In Shape In Other Areas

     This is what we’re after…not losing 15 pounds before your next trip to Cancun. Not fitting into the wedding dress you bought 2 sizes small in hopes of pulling it off. These nuggets of goodness will come, mark my words. But they will only come with consistency. This all happens by making the results you’re looking for the secondary goal. The primary goal has now become how that workout made you feel that way. And THIS is what you’re going to talk about around the water cooler at work. This is what you’re going to reward yourself for after you’ve done it for five of seven days this week. This is the hack and it’ll work.

   Soon enough, you’ll start noticing the secondary goals start to take shape. At this point, you’ve reached the level that the hack may no longer be needed and you can readjust your goals and maybe start looking at that 5K run coming next month in your city, or that dress you saw online, but just couldn’t imagine. After you’ve got the momentum going, shoot the lights out and see where your potential can take you. Take on this article titled The #1 Habit Change Tip for 2022 if fitness isn’t the only area you’re looking to improve. You’re limitless other than what’s going on inside your head. Start there and you’ll build a better base for when times get a little tougher.


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